Have questions about taking on undergraduate research with DataBridge? You’ve found a good spot for common questions!
How can we offer credit?
About half of the students in DataBridge receive credit towards their GPA/graduation, as opposed to a paycheck. These students are our undergraduate researchers (UR), and they can receive UR credit in CMDA, BCHM, or Sys-B at Virginia Tech. This credit opportunity is possible due to Dr. Brown’s adjunct status in those majors, and strong collaborative effort between the respective advisors.
How much work is undergraduate research?
Students can enroll (depending on space and compatibility with degree) for one, two, or three credits. It is the expectation at Virginia Tech that each credit will equal three hours of work per week. One credit is three hours weekly, two credits is six hours weekly, and three credits is nine hours. You must consider your workload and cognitive load when deciding on number of credits.
What are the expectations?
Undergraduate researchers (UR) in DataBridge follow a syllabus, a copy of which can be found here. Our lab meets once-weekly for project updates and instruction. Students are expected to:
Fill weekly progress reports (via Canvas)
Write a final research paper
Develop and deliver a final research presentation
Carry out a project using key data science principles/skills/languages
Where’s our research spaces?
Everywhere! We have two physical spaces located on the Blacksburg campus of Virginia Tech (Newman Library, room 2030 and Engle Hall, room 201) complete with powerful computers and all software necessary. Students are invited and encouraged to use those spaces for their research, but work may be done wherever best suits your workflow. There are specific scenarios where we must limit where projects are completed (typically due to data privacy/security), but most work can be completed remote. We frequently communicate via Microsoft Teams, so the more remote you tend to work expect more frequent digital communication!